Our First Travel Year

John and Heather Brown Bacon

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Hey Y’all!

Let’s take a walk down the memory lane of our lives, shall we? If we were to pinpoint the moment our lives took a sharp turn into what feels like a parallel universe, it’d be that afternoon in Bali. The sun was dipping into the ocean, the air was a mix of incense and frangipani, and there we were, just the two of us, lost in the magic that is Bali. It whispered to us, not in words, but in feelings and in moments that screamed, “Now!” It was the kind of now that doesn’t just tap you on the shoulder; it takes your entire being by storm. And we listened.

Five months later, with a cocktail of excitement and bittersweet farewells, we boarded a plane with our lives stuffed into 7 bags – which, by the way, still felt like an awful lot. And now, here we are, 365 days later, and guess what? We’re still convinced we packed too much!

Our first travel year. Wow. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions, experiences, and a gazillion ‘pinch-me’ moments. From Indonesia to Thailand, India to Finland, and Mexico, our passports have been stamped with not just visas, but memories that are the real deal. Modes of transport? You name it. Planes, moto-bikes, tuk-tuks, trains… Each journey had its own flavor, its own unique rhythm.

And what we’ve done! We’ve dived headfirst into cultures that were as stunning in their diversity as they are in their complexity. We’ve sought out spirituality not in grandiose gestures but in the quiet corners of daily life. We’ve walked through history, tracing the steps of those long gone. We’ve danced at festivals where the colors were as bright as the smiles. We’ve stood before landscapes that made us feel so small yet so alive. And the people, oh, the beautiful souls we’ve met along the way!

But, of course, it hasn’t been all sunset selfies and street food feasts. We’ve missed birthdays, anniversaries, hugs from our families, and wet kisses from our fur babies. Packing, unpacking, and leaving pieces of our hearts in makeshift homes, always wondering why our luggage seems to expand with each move.

Adventure isn’t without its scrapes and scares, though. There were broken bones (courtesy of slippery waterfalls and treacherous steps), black eyes from rocks that came flying like misguided missiles, and let’s not forget the countless battles with E. coli and food poisoning – mostly my fault because I just can’t resist those street animals. Note to self: Street food and street animal cuddles don’t mix (sorry, John!).

In all honesty, this year has felt like a hundred years crammed into one. It’s been intense, challenging, yet undeniably uplifting. And through it all, our love – for the world and for each other – has only deepened. So here we are, hand in hand, leaping into year two with our spirits high and our bags… still too full.

What’s our take from this year? Embrace your fears, dance with them, then step past them. Adventure is waiting on the other side. Cheers to year two of chasing horizons and living stories worth telling!

Keep roaming, keep loving, and remember – feel the fear and do it anyway.

With wanderlust and love,


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